About Dazzling Dancers Inc.

Dazzling Dancers offers our youth opportunities in our community by participating in 1 ½ hour dance classes twice a week and a “Sparkle Pop” performance once a month. There are many life skills taught both in and outside of dance class during activities such as working in our community garden.  The students learn about monitoring their feelings, evaluating emotional responses and modifying reactions in order to accomplish their goals. Teaching our youth how to control emotions helps prevent poor choices in tempting situations. I do believe self-awareness is the first step to communicating effectively which we are always teaching. Knowing that there are others looking up to you on the dance team builds self-confidence and a sense responsibility. Dazzling Dancers motivates our youth to be strong leaders as well as good followers!  




Catch us Perform at...
Bashir Professional Drummer Sessions
(March 20,27)
Dazzling Dancers Entrepreneurs
(First Thursday In May)
2nd Annual Caribbean Pageant (May 25,2024)
New Bern Civic Theatre Family Day
Fammob (April 20,2024)
Juneteenth Parade New Bern (2024)
Jones County Civic Center Juneteenth Program(2024)
Thank You Sponsors ...
Our Dazzles participates in many events throughout the year!
Contact Information
Ms. A (Coach) (252) 670-9230
Email : pamlicodazzlingdolls@gmail.com
Follow Us

For questions, concerns, or booking for your events, contact us!

Products COMING SOON!!!!!
The words of the Dazzling Dancers!
Our new Lieutenant Dazzling Dancer Lyric worked so hard!
Dazzling Dancers Captain loves to dance and express herself through dance!

Dazz Boys Head Drum Major Pharoah!

Liver Walk Cheering Dazzles Are Ready!!!!

Dazzling Dancers Inc